Customer Service


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    Worldwide Shipping

    We ship 5 times a week to over 150 countries

    Store Address

    Altalef 9
    Yehud 5621607
    אלטלף 9
    יהוד 5621607

    24/7 customer service

    dedicated & professional customer support

    store policies

    Payment Security & Customer Privacy

    Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure online commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card numbername, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. SSL is the gold standard in Internet encryption technology, which is a fancy way of saying that it’s a highly sophisticated method of scrambling data as it travels from your computer to our web site’s servers. No information will be passed on to any other organization.

    Payment Methods

    PayPal: Our major payment method is powered by PayPal. PayPal is the faster, safer way to pay and get paid online. We have been certified PayPal members since 2001. PayPal has over 203 million active accounts in more than 190 markets worldwide. PayPal accepts all major credit cards and you may also pay with an electronic check. Just choose “Pay with PayPal” and it will lead you through PayPal’s secured payment process.

    Secure on-line payment: Some people do not wish or are unable to use PayPal. Therefore we offer a secure & safe on-line payment. By choosing the “Secure On-Line Payment” you’ll be taken to a secured area that complies with both SSL encryption standards and PCI-DSS data security standards where you can safely fill your credit card and personal information.

    Returns & Exchange

    ALL RETURNS ARE ACCEPTED but please know the following:

    No Longer Interested In The Product?

    We will do our almost to prevent customers dissatisfaction so if there is any problem with your order please contact us asap so we can help you and give you the best customer service you can get.

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